Thursday, December 22, 2011

First Post

This is my first official blog post.  I've been a slow adopter of technological avenues of communication.  But I recognize the value in capturing some thoughts. 

So my goal with this blog is to share some honest thoughts about life, Jesus, church and leadership (and of course, at times, those things all intertwine). 

If this provides some benefit to you, great.  I know it will be helpful to me to be forced to write some things down. 

Oh yeah, if you aren't familiar with my obsession with whiteboards as a teaching tool then the title of this blog probably sounds strange.  I love to draw pictures to try to make sense of things.  So most of what I'll be sharing I probably drew on a whiteboard or a piece of paper at one time or another. 

So these are thoughts from the whiteboard - for the Kingdom.
