There isn't a week that goes by that I don't hear about someones marriage suffering the wreakage of some kind of infidelity. Seriously, we've got to get a hold of this.
Its wise for both men and women to think through appropriate boundaries with the opposite sex. Most affairs don't occur because someone made a conscious decision to be unfaithful to their spouse but because they made a hundred tiny "harmless" decisions that led closer and closer to the "line" of infidelity.
So if we are going to be wise and proactive in protecting our marriages we need to think through what appriopriate boundaries look like for us based on our lifestyle, our personal temptations and our spouses comfort level.
We cant control every circumstance but there are quite a few that we can control.
The Bible tells us to "flee immorality" (1 Cor 6:18). Sometimes we just have to run from opportunities.
The Bible tells us to "flee immorality" (1 Cor 6:18). Sometimes we just have to run from opportunities.
Here are a few guidelines that we practice, these are examples of the kinds of things that may be helpful in safeguarding our marriages:
1) Don't do anything alone with another woman that is not your wife or relative. This includes riding in a car, going out to eat, catching a movie, going for a walk, etc.
2) Allow your spouse to have full access to all of our technology: cell phone, laptop, iPad, computer, you name it. (except for #3)
3) Guys, I have Lori pick the password to the home computers and I make sure she doesn't give them to me. This is a safeguard for me to protect against any inappropriate usage.
4) Never meet with a woman in a room without a window.
5) Share accounts. Both parties should have access to the credit card statements, checking accounts, cell phone bills, etc. This is pursuing full transparency in our lives and in our relationship. It's all part of being "one".
These are just a few to get you thinking. Every marriage has unique circumstances that will need some unique safeguards.
Man, this is so true in marriage...
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
"Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage." Hebrews 13:4a
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