Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Few Lessons Learned from a Weekend Screwup

We heat our home with wood.  Which means that I end up going to cut up and collect wood a lot.  So this weekend I went on a wood run at a friends house.  I loaded my whole trailer full of wood and when I went to pull the trailer out I realized that I had gotten it in weird position and it was trapped in this fence area and I couldn't get it out.  I was by myself with a trailer full of wood that I couldn't move... excellent.
Needless to say, I threw my own version of an adult fit, I tried everything that I could think of and still couldn't get out.  So after 4 hours I went home... with no wood. 

Yesterday morning our office was closed so I went to try to get the trailer out.
I called a few friends and two of them were there to help me within the hour.  Between all of us we were able to get the trailer out with little effort. 

I learned two great lessons from this:

     1) I need to ask for help...even if I think I should be able to do it myself.

Sometimes I have a hard time asking for help - especially if it is for something I believe I should be  able to knock out on my own. 

Shooting those couple texts to friends to ask for help was harder than I want to admit.

     2) Be a good friend. 

I'm still amazed those guys were there to help me within the hour. 
Their example was a challenge to me to be responsive to opportunities and to stay flexible. 

Now I'm thankful for the lesson and the little trial that preceded it.  [James 1:2-4]
My initial response sure wasn't pretty but I'm thankful that God brought it full circle. 
Overall, this debacle wasn't good for my productivity but it was great for my SOUL!  



  1. Another fine example of how God uses our struggles to teach us. Thanks for sharing bro. Oh and you know my # if you ever need help.....right???!!!

  2. I guess you could say that God really put the wood to you through this? At least he didn't take you out to the woodshed?

    It is funny how hard it is to just reach out sometimes. I work up these dramatic situations in my head as to how something should and will play out. And then it's nothing like the way I thought it would be. It's usually... good.

    1. I was about to write a pun tonight on this blog, then realized you beat me to it. touche

  3. Kc - pun-master extraordinare. I know, we are ridiculous aren't we? Gotta love being human.
