Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I NEED the Bible: Reason #10

There is something that happens to me when I interact with the Bible.

Usually when I approach the Bible, I am thinking within the realm of what I want, what I can see and generally what is best for me. 

When I start to read it begins to change my view of the life. 
It convinces me that there is a better way to live.
That it is better to serve God than to serve me (I make a terrible god).

Reading, thinking about and believing the Bible puts me in a different ballpark. 
It's not like it just tweak's my perspective on life... it completely transforms it.

The Bible shows me what matters in life and what really doesn't. 
It teaches me how to navigate through life when it's complex and seems foggy.
It gives me guardrails that help me from driving my life off of a proverbial cliff.

So here is reason #10 for why I NEED the Bible: 

    10) It transforms my perspective on life. 

For an example of this, see yesterday's post called A few lessons learned from a weekend screwup.


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