Saturday, January 21, 2012

Unwarping Jesus

Seriously....we have warped Jesus.

Our most common pictures of Him are as a baby, on a cross, holding a lamb or looking like this ridiculous picture to the right.

Of course, He was a baby and He did die on a cross. But those events need to be seen in a bigger context.
We often fail to see who Jesus is and who He will be for eternity.

He is Absolute Royalty. 
He rules over a kingdom of kings. 
He is without question the most powerful person in existence.

No president, ruler, emperor, tyrant, CEO, celebrity or historical icon even compares to the power and authority that Jesus has and will have.

Still, in our culture, the main impression that we have of Christ is that He was a weak person that got beat up and killed.

But can you imagine the strength it would take for the most powerful person that lives to choose to lower Himself to the point of becoming a baby... to become the very thing He learn how to walk and talk and to be raised by parents.... to allow Himself to be killed when He had the power to stop it... It's borderline ridiculous. 
It makes me ask "why would He do that?"

These are some of the things that inspire me to follow Christ.

He IS King and His kingdom will be fully realized in the future.  What makes Him so amazing isn't necessarily His unlimited power or His universal dominion over everything... it's that He would be willing to lay it all aside out of love for us.
That is a picture of strength.

That is one of the reasons that I appreciated movie The Passion of the Christ so much.
It captured some of His strength, determination and resolve.

Jesus is a lot of things but a pansy He is not.

I hope wherever we stand with Jesus we can at least have an accurate picture of who He is.

Check out Revelation chapter 1 & Philippians chapter 2 for more details about who Christ really is.


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